In 2002, Jack, 26 years old, fell in love with Lucy, who is a beautiful and intellectual woman. When they first met at a furniture store, Lucty was worried about buying herself a table. Her apartment didn't allow to place too much furniture, so she needed to buy a multifunctional table that not only can be used as a small desk to facilitate her computer work, but also can be used as a small dining table by the bed or sofa. 

She visited many stores and didn't have such a desirable small table that met both functions. She thought she might have to choose one-type table. And Jack happened to be the manager of the store. Hearing her appeal, he thought: This is not just a god given opportunity! Maybe I can provide her with such a table! Jack is an intelligent and creative young man who dares to think and do. Jack immediately added Lucy's wechat and promised to provide her with a satisfactory table. Jack spent three days sketching the design for the table and delivered the finished product to Lucy's apartment 10 days later. Lucy was very satisfied when she saw the table! She happily hugged the handsome young man and then they became close friends.

After that Jack designed a series of products. In 2003, Jack named the brand Hadulcet for this series of products. They got married in 2006! So far, Jack has shared his achievements with users all over the world, and Hadulcet has become a global furniture brand.